31. July 2023

“Alte Emscher” saves 4,000,000 kWh per year

AQUACONSULT Anlagenbau’s technology at the “Alte Emscher” wastewater treatment plant in Duisburg (Germany) proves that strip diffusers in wastewater treatment plants can be used to cut costs. By optimising the aeration system and equipping it with more than 1,000 AEROSTRIP strip diffusers, it was possible here – in one of the largest and most significant wastewater treatment plants in Germany – to achieve an energy saving of 4,000,000 kWh per year in the biological stage. “Of course, this pleases our electricity meter immensely,” said Karsten Alfes, operations manager at the Duisburg-Alte-Emscher wastewater treatment plant, after analysing the data one year after installation. (Photos: EGLV, Aquaconsult)