The AEROSTRIP® is the high end product among the diffusers. It was designed as a fine-bubble diffuser with extremely low energy requirements and has been used in both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants worldwide since 1995.
The diffuser body is made of high-alloy, corrosion-resistant stainless steel. This makes the AEROSTRIP® Type T a durable and therefore particularly sustainable product. It is produced exclusively in Austria in compliance with the highest quality standards.
Polyurethane is used as the material for the diffuser membrane. Polyurethane has a higher mechanical strength than EPDM or silicone. This is reflected in an exceptionally long service life of up to 20 years. Damaged or worn membranes can be replaced, which increases the lifespan of the diffuser by many years.
- The materials used in the strip diffuser are resistant to all those water components which, according to DWA-M 115-2 Appendix A.1. may be discharged into a biological sewage treatment plant.
- AEROSTRIP® strip diffusers enable operation with very low air pressure, which significantly reduces power consumption
- The very small bubbles result in efficient oxygen transfer (SOTR) and oxygen transfer efficiency (SOTE) of up to 60%.
- No comparable diffuser currently on the market meets the different requirements of an aeration system as well as AEROSTRIP®.

Polyurethane is used as the material for the diffuser membrane.
1 of 2The diffuser body is made of high-alloy, corrosion-resistant stainless steel.
2 of 2Technical specifications
AEROSTRIP® Type T is recommended for an application area <35°C.